Saturday, February 15, 2020

Little Birdie Design Team 2020 Announcement

#kerriegurney #littlebirdiecrafts

Hi everyone Kerrie here and I have awesome news to start my creating for 2020

 I am so very very excited and honoured to be continuing on Little Birdie Crafts Design Team for another term along with Ruchi Gupta, Tracey Sabella and Hilda Skerk
and new design team members Marta Piekarczyk, Maggi Harding, Fenny Ariani, Nicole Palos, Karolina Czolba, Silvia Núñez

What an amazingly talented group of designers. If you are not yet following these ladies and Little Birdie Crafts make sure you do as you will be so inspired by all of these ladies and of course Little Birdie Crafts products which we all love

If you have been struggling to get your hands on Little Birdie Crafts products you can now purchase them from Little Birdie Crafts NEW Website which ships worldwide!!!
So if you local papercrafting store is not stocking Little Birdie or you don't have a local store you now will be able to get everything you need directly from Little Birdie Crafts how awesome is that!
for a limited time they have FREE SHIPPING WORLDWIDE so get on there now and start shopping!!!

Thanks for stopping by I hope you have enjoyed my tutorial,
please if you don't already follow Little Birdie Crafts on FacebookInstagram and of course their Blog 
 for fabulous tutorials from all the Design Team

 Happy Creating 

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